Battle of Asiago

4444 stairs from Valstagna in Sasso di Asiago

Staircase built in the era of the dominance of Gian Galeazzo Visconti between 1388 and 1392, C combines the plateau (specifically Rock, near Asiago) with Valstagna, Valsugana, and then the plain pedemontana

The 4444 stairs in the battle of Asiago

Battle of Asiago: 4444 stairs

The unique character of this "route" is its architecture, a series of 4444 steps (originally, only 4422 but in 1498, following the lowering of the bed of the Creek Ronchi, they added one additional flight of 22 steps) about 2 meters, along with a valuable product for timber, scrolling cunettone that countries majoring Highland plain and markets most importantly, provided the Venetian shipyards to build ships of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

The C represents a unique example of challenging work of human engineering, nestled along the steep and vertiginous precipices of the Small Valley; It was vital for the survival of the people of the plateau's primary vehicle for centuries, forming a trade and commerce with the plain. Over the last few decades commercially, the disused C has recently been reassessed as historic-naturalistic path. Every year in August the C is the scene of a suggestive "torchlight".

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